Latest News

Keep up to date with all our latest news, articles and case studies from the veterinary world around Hawke’s Bay, Dannevirke, and the Wairarapa.


Interesting Case: Thoroughbred Sarcoid Case

Over the past 12 months Dave Kruger and the equine team have been working with the dedicated owner of a 15 year old standardbred mare with Sarcoids.  In late 2020 a 15 year old Standardbred mare presented with a large skin mass just under her right eye. Numerous smaller wart like lesions were present in…


Errol the Donkey

Vet Services Wairarapa had a really cool case about a gorgeous wee donkey called Errol last year. Errol caused his mum a lot of stress and heartache, but the story has a good outcome! Errol was born then didn’t suckle properly for his first 12 hours. We first examined him because he was dull and…



We have had a couple of interesting cases over the last few months where our Vets have been able to use the endoscope to help diagnose and address issues. The endoscope is a flexible camera/video /light source that we can use to help investigate respiratory tract in horses as they allow us to gain access…


Canine tooth tartar build up

Wow, how satisfying is that tartar removal! Some horses get a buildup of dental calculus (tartar), especially on the canine teeth. It often builds up on the lower canine teeth (and in some equines also on their incisors). It’s important to check your horses mouth for these yellow-brown deposits between your routine dentals as it…


Bee Stings and Horses

Dave Kruger, Vet Services Napier  We see beestings in horses and dogs quite frequently.  Like humans some animals appear to be more sensitive to the effects of bee sting toxin than others. Our 15 year old Anglo-Arab Rushi recently suffered a severe reaction to a bee sting.  We were about a kilometre from the end…



Alfie is a 22-year-old Kaimanawa gelding who had the misfortune of getting the wrong end of a stick during a wind-storm. He presented with acute right eye pain – eyelids tightly closed with profuse tearing.   Once local anaesthetic and sedation was administered a full thickness perforating wound was evident through the cornea of his right eye.   Bleeding…


A true ocular emergency

Renae Griffin, Vet Services Hastings   Late last year we were called out to check on Miracle Boi after his owner noticed a gunky discharge from his left eye, which he was squinting shut. Upon examination of the eye, our veterinary team diagnosed a descemetocele and needed to act quickly to save his eye.   …
